
TMG Consulting provides services to airports, local and state government, and business and industry
including resort, gaming, and recreation enterprises. These services include market assessments,
public sector revenue/development impact assessments, economic impact studies,
land use and master planning, capital improvement programming and management, zoning
analysis, environmental assessment and coordination, benefit-cost analysis, and other services.
The firm has over 30 years of experience providing consulting services to more than 20
airports large and small, particularly in the areas of financial analysis and capital facilities program
development and financing. Our staff has experience with over ten casino management
firms. We have provided these firms with market assessments for both casinos and other
amenities such as hotels, waterparks and RV parks, economic and demographic research, primary
market research, and economic impact analysis.




TMG personnel possess a unique blend of experience and education that enables the firm to
provide government and the private sector the high level of competence necessary to complete
a wide range of project types and sizes innovatively, on time and within budget limitations.
TMG is proud of its tradition of successful service to its public and private sector clients.
It adheres to the highest ethical standards of the engineering and planning professions. |


TMG and its predecessor firms have been in operation since 1984. Dr. Anthony Mumphrey,
TMG president, has been associated with county, municipal, and state government for over 30
years having served as the Mayor’s Executive Assistant for Planning and Development in New
Orleans. He is a Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of New
Orleans and a Fellow of the American Council of Engineering Companies. |